Cooking with Carafoli: Spring Feelings

By | April 12, 2024
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Yesterday, the sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, and there were signs of spring everywhere. I am looking out the window over my computer today, watching a heavy snowfall as the wind picks up. It is the beginning of a nor’easter, and it is difficult to ponder springtime recipes during this Cape Cod storm.

In past years at this season, I am often in Italy, studying the language. At the mercati all’aperto (outdoor food market), where I shopped regularly, I could purchase freshly grown produce not yet in season on Cape Cod. Italy has a warmer climate and a longer growing season. I am always developing recipes using fresh local ingredients, and here are a few of the ideas I had while in Bologna last winter.


Asparagus, Butter Beans & Pea Green Salad
Flounder Fillets En Papillote with Red Pepper Sauce
Pasta Primavera with Peas, Spring Onions, Green Beans & Brie Cheese
Strawberry & Raspberry Sorbet


Asparagus, Peas, Butter Beans & Pea Green Salad

This is my go-to spring salad. Alongside a crusty piece of warm bread and a glass of wine, this would make a nice lunch or light supper. This is a riff on my favorite Julia Child salad dressing.

Strawberry & Raspberry Sorbet

You can make this simple and delicious sorbet throughout the entire strawberry season. I like adding raspberries and a hint of lemon for a more complex flavor.
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