In Our Fall 2024 Issue

Last Updated September 25, 2024
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edible Cape Cod Fall 2024, Issue 82

Grist for the Mill

Sources of motivation can be as unique as the fingerprints of those seeking them. Sometimes it’s carrying on the family tradition, and for others, it can be a chance at a second act in life. As edible CAPE COD begins its third decade, learning about people’s reasonings behind what they do is a large part of what makes their tales so compelling, and we never tire of telling them.

Michelle Koch’s wonderful story about pollinators in the last issue got us thinking about one aspect of pollinators with which we’re all familiar: honey. Cape Cod has quite a number of beekeepers producing wonderful local honey, and we found a relative newcomer to the hobby, Steven Pelletier. Steven and his wife, Jeanne, have not only started their own honey brand, they’re doing it on old farmland they’re reclaiming that dates back nearly two hundred and fifty years. We caught up with them in “Building a Sweet Life in West Barnstable”.

The efforts that the folks of Sustainable CAPE make for their fellow lower and outer Cape Codders are truly inspirational. Andrea Pyenson is back with “Sustainable CAPE’s Harvester Highlights: A Win-Win for Everyone Involved”. She learned about a program Sustainable CAPE is offering to provide solutions not only for people with food insecurity but also for local farmers to receive full market value for their locally-grown produce. She talks with both farmers and the organizations preparing and distributing fresh meals about the victories for each.

Reconnecting with one’s heritage certainly can be a guiding motive to steer someone onto a particular path when they find themselves at a crossroads. Memories of the wonderful Venezuelan chocolate of his youth are part of the driving force that Andre Marrero used to launch Faraway Chocolate on Nantucket. Susan Fernald learned about the chocolate making process, and about Marrero and his journey in “From Bean to Bar on Nantucket”.

Jeff Avery’s excursions around the globe turned this self-described non-coffee fan into a connoisseur many years ago. He returns with his personal tale (and opinions) of all things coffee in “The Adventures of Jeff and Joe”.

Jeni and Pete got together and came up with some wonderful recipes in this latest installment of “Jeni’s Table”. Peter Duff of Fare & Just Kitchen offers his sesame tofu recipe and Jeni crafts two recipes with the leftover ingredients you purchase so nothing goes to waste.

As the fall season arrives, with it comes precious time to waste. Summer is the time to GO GO GO! For many of us, the fall can bring schedules that offer more moments, however fleeting, for you to dig that hammock out of the closet, dive into that waiting book, gather with friends around the fire pit, or do nothing at all – just be.

No matter how you choose to spend your time this fall season, if you’re going to “be”, be well.


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Sustainable CAPE's Harvest Highlights: A Win-Win for Everyone Involved

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Faraway Chocolate From Bean to Bar on Nantucket

Andre Marrero, his wife Erica, and their two children first set foot on Nantucket in 2014 when Andre was headhunted from New York to be the...

Bringing Mexico Home to Nantucket

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Building A Sweet Life in West Barnstable

Ah, the sweet life. For many, the term probably conjures up thoughts of wanting for nothing, kicking back and enjoying all that you could...

Jeni's Table with Pete Duff of Fare & Just Kitchen

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The Adventures of Jeff and Joe

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