Demi-baguettes cool as a baker readies another batch for the oven.
Even with growing demand, Pain D’Avignon still manages to produce their breads mostly by hand. Mixing large quantities of dough and rolling out the demi-baguettes is better left to the machines.
Below: Baker Ian Mackie removes loaves of sourdough from the oven. Cuts are made on the tops of the loaves to ensure proper identification throughout the production process.
The different types of bread Pain D’Avignon produces number far more than a baker’s dozen.
Founder and Principal Vojin Vujosevic (l) and Chief Operating Officer Mario Mariani (r) at Pain D’Avignon’s stunning Red Bar.
Dinner and a show – Pain D’Avignon’s bistro features tables that give diners a glimpse of the bakery’s production facility.
Loaves of Pain D’Avignon’s most popular bread, cranberry pecan, are about to go into the oven.