The challenges for local fishermen continue long after they reach the safety of port. CCCFA works to ensure they are represented when decisions regarding fisheries management are made.
Capt. Eric Hesse and crew ice down a catch. Many members of CCCFA’s board of directors are fishermen like Hesse who help to give fishermen a voice. PHOTO COURTESY OF CCCFA
The haddock chowder program helped keep fishermen working and families fed throughout the pandemic. PHOTO COURTESY OF CCCFA
Program and outreach coordinator Stephanie Sykes is a fisherman first. PHOTO COURTESY OF CCCFA
Shellfish grants like the one pictured above and town shellfish programs will continue to be supported by A.R.C. Hatchery thanks in large part to CCCFA’s investment. PHOTO COURTESY OF A.R.C. HATCHERY
Hesse lays out his catch under a watchful eye. The electronic monitoring program gives scientists a far more accurate count of the fish being hauled in by local fishermen. PHOTO COURTESY OF CCCFA
Enrolees of CCCFA’s Fishermen’s Training Program experience all aspects of the job, including donning survival gear. PHOTO COURTESY OF CCCFA
CEO John Pappalardo greets guests at the annual Hookers Ball. PHOTO COURTESY OF SALTY BROAD STUDIOS
Taking wing – a fisherman unloads a catch of skate. CCCFA works to shine a light on underutilized species like scup, dogfish and skate. PHOTO COURTESY OF CCCFA