Matt Milan stoops near a hugelkutur bed dotted with emerging seedlings. Within it, decaying logs, sticks and leaves minimize watering and maximize plant nutrition.
Milan's heart-shaped bed of herbs.
The water walk Jensen created moves people upslope and water down in a controlled manner, as it nourishes the adjacent hugelkultur planting terraces soon to be filled with shade loving nagative plants.
Boot-length wide swales move roof runoff from higher to lower elevations.
Jensen focuses on the deeper keyhole that will collect water before flowing over to the plants on the hillside below.
Rain exits Van Norman and Jensen's downspout, funneling through the rocks that help purify it as it slowly hydrates the young asparagus thriving in the hugelterraces coiling below.
Swales, or shallow trenches, and hugelkultur-planted terraces capture the forceful runoff of storm events, slowing it to nourish plantings nearby.